14 May 2013
Featured Projects

Pin-it to Win-it (Part B) : A Beginners Guide to Optimizing Pinterest

Pinterest. Wooohoooo. Pinterest is great. Pinterest rocks. Blah blah blah. These are all things you know. Pinterest is awesome and as our first “Pin-it to Win-it” blog explained, it’s relatively easy to set up and let the “pinning” begin.

Okay, so you followed our original “Pin-it to Win-it” blog post – you have a relatively optimized pinterest account but you feel like you can still do more to help enhance it for yourself, for users and for search engines. Well guess what – you’re right! There are a few more ways that you can use Pinterest to your advantage and we’re going to give you a little insight on how you might be able to do it.

So remember in our last Pin-it to Win-It blog post how we talked about creating your own boards by categories etc.? Well there is more ways to optimize your boards than we mentioned! What can we say, we like it when you keep coming back.  Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your business pinterest account.


  1. When you create separate boards for your FB account you’re able to create descriptions for each board – here is your opportunity to create clear descriptions for each board. This will help increase your chances of search engines (and pinterest users) find you based on description.
  2. When you’re pinning items make sure to use #hashtags. Just like twitter and google + , pinterest #hashtags allow you to identify key terms – which then allows users and search engines to find you based on those same key words. Pretty awesome huh.
  3. A lot of people don’t know this, so we’re going to let you in on a little secret about Pinterest. You can tag friends and companies in posts just like you can do on facebook! Pretty awesome huh? Don’t be afraid to tag your friends, families or other businesses in your pins. Trust me when we say, this will only help you.
  4. Join a group or community – where you can pin your items other than just your own board. This allows maximum exposure to a variety of people. For example if you sell insurance look for “hospital” or “insurance” boards. This will give you the opportunity to hit your target audience and maximize exposure from your own board.

These are just a few other tips on how you can really use pinterest to your fullest advantage. This is a great addition to most marketing strategies but is it right for you? Talk with our creative team to find the right marketing solution for you. Want to know more about Pinterest? We can help you with that too.

LRT  is a marketing and graphic solutions company that serves a large variety of clients in Chico and surrounding North State and Northern California areas like Oroville, Paradise, Corning, Red Bluff, Redding, Orland, Reno, Sparks, Yuba City, Marysville, or Sacramento. We would be more than happy to work with you on your next social media or marketing campaign- talk to the experts today! 

Call us at (530) 879-9261 or toll free (888) 934-6578 for a creative, innovative and successful social media or marketing strategy that is sure to drive traffic straight to your website. 

